We love partnering with the community!EVENT PARTNERSHIP
At The People’s Food Co-op we are deeply committed to our community. We respect and support the many organizations that help make Ann Arbor such a strong and vibrant place to live. Each year we receive hundreds of requests for donations from many organizations – all with valid and pressing needs. Due to the volume of requests we receive, we have created a procedure for requesting a donation. Following the steps outlined in our Donation Application will make it easier for your organization to make a request, and will allow us to more fairly consider each request we receive.
Organizations we’ve donated to:
- Women’s Center of SE Michigan
- Junior League of Ann Arbor
- Local Food Summit
- Washtenaw Solidarity w/Farm Workers
- The We Care Project
- Standing Against Rape Society
- Later Faith
- Interfaith Council for Peace & Justice
- The Neutral Zone
- Ann Arbor Women’s Group
- Local Food Summit
- Washtenaw Solidarity w/Farm Workers
- Food Gatherers
- MI Council on Crime & Delinquency
- Leslie Science Center
- RoosRoast Coffee
- Solidarity & Defense Huron Valley
- U of M Artscapade
- Nicaragua Project
- Washtenaw Literacy
- Zen Buddhist Temple
- Interfaith Coalition for Immigrants Rights
- IHA at Alpha House
- City Of A2 – Go Fish Wellness Walk
- Holler Fest
- Akshara – Opening Reception Sonabai
- Amma Center of Michigan
- Barn Sanctuary
- Salon Sanjoy
- Great Lakes Rabbit Sanctuary
- Washtenaw Solidarity w/ Farmworkers
- Junior League of Ann Arbor
- Michigan League of Conservation
- Voters Education Fund
- Sierra Club
- 1st UU (First Unitarian Universalist Congregation if Ann Arbor)
- ECI (Episcopal Church of the Incarnation)
- ICSG (Interfaith Center for the Spiritual Growth)
- Bach Elementary School
To be considered as a donation recipient, please complete our Donation Application at the link below and return it to People’s Food Co-op attention Marketing Department.
Once completed email it or drop off at the Co-op.