Co-op Board News
Be in the know!The Board Needs You!
People's Food Co-op is seeking board candidates passionate about the community, food systems, equity, and co-ops. A strong candidate is a People's Food Co-op Member with leadership experience, big-picture vision, and a commitment to working collaboratively to shape...
At the Annual Meeting: Malik Yakini and the Detroit People’s Food Co-op
Starting a new food co-op takes a lot of planning, meetings, and membership investment to jointly establish a truly democratic member-owned grocery focused on supporting the physical as well as the economic health of its community. Such an effort began in 2006 in...
Join the 2022 PFC Annual Meeting
People’s Food Co-op Annual Meeting Tuesday, April 26, 2022 at 6:30 pm Register and join us virtually on Zoom by using the link below. All members of PFC are encouraged to attend the PFC...
Failed 2021 Board of Directors’ Election
originally emailed to members on 04/04/2021 Letter to our members concerning the PFC 2021 Board of Directors’ election There will be no board of directors’ election this year due to the fact that we only received two candidate applications for three open board seats. ...
The Board Needs You!
Community and the Corner Store
Community and the Corner Store Jaime Magiera originally appeared in the Spring 2019 issue of the Old Fourth Ward Newsletter Growing up in a Downriver Detroit neighborhood, I was blessed with a lot of options for entertainment and interaction with others. There were...
Board President on the Radio
The PFC Board of Directors President, Jaime Magiera, was recently interviewed on Very Ann Arbor Radio, talking about PFC and the cooperative business model. Listen below! (starts at 6:50 and ends at 24:50) Very Detroit Radio · Very Ann Arbor Radio "Consume Wisely"...
Membership is Ownership
Adapted from an article by Marilyn Scholl l Cooperative Grocers Network (May/June 2008) Cooperative ownership is an economic model that can create great benefits for our communities and member-owners. The cooperative model is powerful if we focus proper attention on...
Touring Michigan Food Co-ops
by Ray Anderson l originally appeared in March 2020 PFC Newsletter As Peoples Food Co-op Ann Arbor nears its 50th Anniversary come July of 2021, it is interesting to reflect on the early co-op years of the late 1960’s and the beginning of the 1970’s which spawned a...
Board Response and Community Support During COVID-19
Dear People’s Food Co-op Members, We’re reaching out to let you know what the board is doing to support our members and the greater community during the COVID-19 health crisis. First, we're maintaining constant communication with our General Manager to ensure that she...