PFC Board

About our Board!

Mission Statement

The People’s Food Co-op of Ann Arbor provides our community with accessible, sustainable, local food and household products as an economically just, member-owned business.


PFC’s board of directors is elected by the membership to represent them in setting policy and supervising the operations of the Co-op in accordance to its bylaws.

PFC’s board operates under Policy Governance structure, using the Carver model. The board empowers the general manager and co-op staff to work on the day to day operations of the Co-op, while focusing on the policies and broader vision of the organization.

Directors serve three-year terms; board seats rotate so there is always a mix of incoming and experienced directors. Board officers are nominated and appointed by the Board.

Elections for our board take place early in the year. Check for signs in the store and announcements in the PFC Connection newsletter. Click here for more information on board elections.

Board Meetings

Our board meetings are generally held the third Wednesday of each month from 6:30-8:30 pm. All meetings are currently virtually held at:

Members are always welcome!

PFC’s board holds monthly meetings. Members are encouraged to attend. Time is set aside for public comments at the start of each meeting, and members may also join discussions when invited.

Meeting agendas the front page of this website. View the minutes of past Board meetings on this site or in PFC’s administrative offices (under the store) between 9am–4pm weekdays.

If you have a topic you would like the Board to consider, notify the board president. The deadline for member-requested agenda items is two weeks before the scheduled meeting.